Eternal life with Christ at the centre
For this week's Blog Thursday post, we will be taking a closer look at what eternal life is, what Jesus said about eternal life and what impact that has on us. This topic is one we tend to brush or rush over as despite its utmost importance and relevance to our lives which is why we will be exploring this topic more deeply.
So, what is eternal life? Eternal life according to the Bible is “knowing God, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent”- John 17:3. Also as Paul put in Romans 6:4 eternal life for those who walk with Christ begins now ; eternal life is a quality of life that begins on earth and continues in heaven. But to have eternal life we must believe, accept, know and continue to walk with the giver of life – Jesus. As John says to have the Son is to have life. But do we have the Son? Do we talk with Him, do we invite Him into our everyday mundane, are we truly under the submission of Christ? Do we act as people who have eternal life or do we act as though “we only live once”? According to the living Word of God we who are saved are born twice (John 3:3) and live twice too. I not only ask these vital questions to you but to myself also. Let us use this as reminder to check our heart posture and where we are on this walk of Christian life.
What did Jesus say about eternal life?
In John 3:16 Jesus tells us clearly that a price was to be paid if you and I were to have eternal life. A sacrifice was made by God the Father that gave every single person who was, is, and will come to be on this earth an opportunity to have eternal life. Jesus died so we could live eternally, Jesus carried the weight of the world's sin so we could be renewed, clean and redeemed. Jesus told us plainly that to have eternal life we must hear the Shepherd's voice and follow, as seen in John 10: 27-28. To hear and follow the Shepherd requires us to put genuine trust in God and what He plans to do in our lives. If we do live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit we know that eternal life is awaiting us, we prepare for it and acknowledge this gift to ourselves and others. Do we trust God, despite us not knowing exactly where He is leading us to? I will leave this question for you to answer.
Dear Lord, I am grateful for the new life you have given me by your death and resurrection. As I walk with you, help me gain a refreshed and revived understanding of what it means to spend eternity with you. Help me to have a kingdom mindset that puts eternity with you at the forefront. Thankyou for the peace you have brought into my life by reminding me I protected and loved by you. In Jesus name, Amen.
I leave you this verse to meditate on for the rest of the week: Romans 6:23- The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.